THE LAST GREAT DETECTIVE - DI Buchan Book 6 - Out Now!

THE LAST GREAT DETECTIVE - DI Buchan Book 6 - Out Now!

Added at 08:44 on 29 April 2024

‘Behold! We come to it at last, the great crime novel of our time!’ cried Professor Malcolm Connery, of the Glasgow Institute of Special Things this morning, as he stood on the steps of the Institute’s 15th century Renaissance palace in the heart of Glasgow’s Latin quarter.

No one was entirely sure which crime novel he was talking about, but coincidentally, today also sees the publication of THE LAST GREAT DETECTIVE, book 6 in the DI Buchan series, and the concluding part of the Baltazar Trilogy, the series within the series.

It’s the second title from Long Midnight Publishing in 2024, as the team here at LMP HQ in St Andrews steps up production. With the long, bleak winter months behind us, and the warm, balmy sea breeze of a Scottish summer ahead, 2024 is shaping up to be a bumper year for the independent publishing house that critics have been calling, “not actually a publishing house.”

The summer will see the second and third books from the thrilling new private detective series, THE VIKSTRÖM PAPERS, and although no date has yet been set for the publication of the seventh DI Buchan novel, I WANTED TO MURDER FOR MY OWN SATISFACTION, publishing insiders indicate that an early autumn date seems most likely.

Today, however, is all about THE LAST GREAT DETECTIVE, the book that commentators have been talking about in tones so hushed, no one can even hear them.

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Concluding his early morning briefing, before heading to the chic new Glasgow café Deep Fried Coffee In A Bun, Professor Connery remarked, ‘I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass,’ although no one was entirely sure what he was talking about.

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